Neurological diseases include, essentially, disorders affecting the central nervous system (cerebrovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, epilepsy and other neurodegenerative diseases or inflammatory-infectious diseases) and the peripheral nervous system (polyneuropathies, myasthenia, myopathies).
The general aging of the population has placed neurological diseases (vascular and degenerative) among those of greatest interest to the medical world: cases of stroke, Parkinson’s disease and dementia are rapidly increasing, creating a burden of at-times intolerable suffering for the patient and their family.
Other diseases, such as epilepsy, often occur during childhood or adolescence; despite this, the incidence increases after the age of 40, with secondary epilepsies that occur as a result of diseases such as tumours, ischemia, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, vascular malformations, and inflammatory diseases of the brain such as vasculitis, meningitis, encephalitis, multiple sclerosis or those following traumas and / or cerebral haemorrhages.
For many years PIAM has been working in the neurological and geriatric fields, offering support to patients, from those who present less complex clinical profiles to the most debilitated; respecting patients’ needs as much as possible and offering appropriate solutions, even for weak and pre-treated subjects.